Challenge10 Node.js command-line to generate a logo and save it as an SVG file.
I was tasked with my tenth challenge to make a Logo SVG Generator.
- learned how to generate svg images
- learned to work more with npms
- learned to fixed errors
- learned being sick makes catching up very hard ( hahah )
- learned inquire versions matter or your code will note work
Note: I followed the criteria below provided by the class instructors.
User Story
- AS a freelance web developer
- I WANT to generate a simple logo for my projects
- SO THAT I don’t have to pay a graphic designer
Acceptance Criteria
- GIVEN a command-line application that accepts user input
- WHEN I am prompted for text
- THEN I can enter up to three characters
- WHEN I am prompted for the text color
- THEN I can enter a color keyword (OR a hexadecimal number)
- WHEN I am prompted for a shape
- THEN I am presented with a list of shapes to choose from: circle, triangle, and square
- WHEN I am prompted for the shape’s color
- THEN I can enter a color keyword (OR a hexadecimal number)
- WHEN I have entered input for all the prompts
- THEN an SVG file is created named
- AND the output text “Generated logo.svg” is printed in the command line
- WHEN I open the
file in a browser
- THEN I am shown a 300x200 pixel image that matches the criteria I entered
Note: I have a background in Graphic Design , These logos are ugly HAHAHA.
## Installation
- To install the LOGO Generator, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository.
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Install the dependencies: npm install
## Usage
- To use the Logo Generator, run the following command inside the “Root” folder:
- node index.js
- Follow Video Demo if you need further assistance.
- Answer the prompts with information about your project.
The following image shows the web application after I edited the code.
Note: This image is a screen shot once I finished the assisnment.

Note: User story and acceptance criteria was provided to me in class
UNB-VIRT-FSF-PT-04-2023-U-LOLC for Week 10 Challenge.
My Github